Your style is an essential piece of the puzzle that needs sorting if your business is going where you want it to. And you’re the type of woman who takes action because there’s no other option than success.

I know that ‘I don’t have time’ is the no.1 excuse for a sub-par wardrobe that deep down you know is holding you back from making bigger moves and bolder decisions. You’re a CEO; it’s time to step into those shoes.

A Style Strategy Experience is a luxury 1:1 business investment that saves loads of time and helps you make money.

Style that’s a business asset? SORTED.

You are the type of woman who gets sh*t done.

You’re serious about your business and you don’t have time to d*ck around. You value close-proximity and having an expert on-hand doing this stuff with you. Your style is NAILED, you feel great… and now you’ve got so much time back to focus on your business.

A Style Strategy Experience is for you if:

✅ You're a self-starter who's ready and willing to implement everything you learn on the day 

✅ You understand the value of investing in yourself but you don’t d*ck around; an action-packed day with me sounds right up your street

✅ You value close-proximity. Own the Room sounds great but to have the trained expert doing it for you? WANT.

✅ You want to step into CEO energy - and this experience, with lunch and luxuries, will help you do that

✅ You're doing alright for yourself - you've set up your biz foundations and you're putting yourself out there - but your style is one of the last key elements you need to nail if you're getting what you want from 2024 

In-person locations are London, Oxford, Bicester Village, Birmingham and Southampton and we'll nail down your goals, create a vision for your style and personal brand, and spend time in the shops where I'll give you all the info you need to make super confident decisions from now onwards. Of course there will be copious amounts of nice coffee (if that's your thing) and lunch. OR I can come to you and we'll dig into your existing wardrobe.

Online we'll map out your goals, get into your wardrobe and create outfits that align with where you're going, and you'll come away with loads of info to help you dress for success and communicate your message to the world.

Following your session you'll receive a lookbook which will, quite frankly, knock your (newly) stylish socks off. It will have all the learnings from your day, styling ideas, and links to anything I'd suggest you add to make the rest of your wardrobe pop. 

You'll have 2 weeks of Voxer support too, which will help you nail those style lessons and get you used to seeing something a little more fabulous when you look in the mirror. 

It’s for you because:

  • You’ve lost your sense of self; you’ve been through a change like a career transition or starting your own business and your wardrobe has fallen by the wayside

  • Getting dressed has become something you just have to do, rather than something that brings you joy

  • You’ve got to network your butt off, but your lack of style isn’t going to help you be memorable

  • You’re ready for a caffeine-like hit of styling know-how to jolt you out of your rut and towards your big goals

  • Own the Room sounds great, but you don’t want to do this process alone; you value having an expert on hand to do the heavy lifting for you

  • Business is going well; it’s time to apply that CEO energy to your wardrobe

  • You’re heading for 6-figures or you’ve recently crossed the threshold and you’re ready for bigger deals, visibility and a total style refresh.

What happens next?

On securing your spot (either with split pay or pay in full), you’ll receive a confirmation email and we’ll block out your 1:1 in-person preferred date. Please ensure we have your address because we’ve got some goodies coming your way

You’ll receive a welcome pack with lots of info about the day and what to expect and 48 hours prior to your session, you’ll receive a full itinerary.

You also receive a year-long masterclass pass (£299).

I can’t WAIT to work with you! You’re going to feel so refreshed, full of style enthusiasm and ready to step into those CEO vibes after our time together.

Don’t take my word for it - look at what Emily had to say about her experience…