The instant-access style course that is a business essential for women scaling to £5k months and beyond

Don’t let your style be the thing that’s holding your business back

Own the Room is designed to help you gain the clarity and confidence to use your wardrobe as a business tool.

It’s for you, if:

  • You've been working in corporate and now you're launching a business and you can't hide behind your desk anymore. Suddenly you have to be “visible” and no one ever taught you how to do that

  • You’re in the £0-5k monthly range of business and…

  • You’ve had some nibbles, but you desire consistency in your sales and the confidence to increase your prices

  • You’re ironing out the business blocks that are keeping you at this level, but your style has been left on the backburner and it’s dragging you down

  • You’re fed up of seeing yourself as a ‘newbie’

  • You find yourself awkwardly introducing your business as ‘just this little thing I kinda do’ and you want to step into an era of more confidence

  • You’d like to get a new job at a higher salary in 2024 and you have to feel confident for interview rounds

  • You’re doing OK but you feel like an impostor because your wardrobe never evolved past entry-level

No one ever taught you how to dress for business.

And so here you are, giving your business some proper welly… but you have no idea how to create a magnetic personal brand.

Getting dressed is the one thing you’re expected to do every day, the thing you’re judged on, the thing that can impact your productivity and your sales… and yet you’re just expected to know how it’s done.

You can get help with accounting, social media, tech etc….

but the thing that you’re always doing no matter what (wearing clothes) is only ever spoken about in hushed tones or in panicked Whatsapps to your friends when you’re panic-dressing for an important meeting, clothes all over the floor, feeling absolutely clueless about what to wear…

Until now!

That scenario above isn’t Boss Vibes.

When your wardrobe is not to standard, there is always going to be a block to your next income level.

Inside Own the Room you have a bank of core training and hands-on support that will simplify getting dressed, increase your confidence, give you a VIBEY AF personal brand and help you become the most confidently-dressed woman in any room, so you can start nailing consistent £5k months.

From how to dress your body shape, to colour confidence, to decoding dress codes, to strengthening your identity as a business leader - it’s all here.

Think of this as your secret weapon programme for a payrise-worthy wardrobe.

Take control today

Sign up today and get INSTANT ACCESS to 8 core training modules, so you can go from feel stressed to stylish within the next few days.

PLUS: 6 whole months of hot-seat calls so I can help you through the process and a bonus 1:1 (normally £400) on selected payment options.

right now…

  • You feel like an impostor - you need to be a BOSS but your clothes make you feel more like the intern

  • You haven’t quite stepped into the identity of the woman you need to be and you hear yourself being all, ‘erm I kinda do this little business thing it’s no big deal’.

  • You’ve had nibbles from your content, but you know there’s more to be done if you’re going to vibe with those dream clients

  • No one taught you how the hell to dress, and you constantly feel like you’ve ‘got it wrong’

  • Your wardrobe hasn’t really evolved as your career has, and now you open your wardrobe and feel kinda clueless, sad or frustrated

  • Deciding what to wear is taking up wayyyy too much brain space, time and money that could be invested better in your business.


  • You’ve got the style knowledge to know what to wear in any scenario, you’re on-brand and ready to do business

  • Your self-confidence has skyrocketed because you know what suits you really well, you’re leaning into what makes you special and the clothes in your wardrobe act like cheerleaders, helping you get to those consistent £5k months.

  • You’ve got a clear personal brand and for the first time in a long time (maybe, ever) you look in the mirror and enjoy what you see

  • You’ve got no problem showing up and talking to your dream clients on insta lives or Linkedin - and it’s making a difference to the number of enquiries you get

  • Your conversations in the DMs have accelerated, people are asking to work with you and you are starting to be known as THE person to come to for your speciality

  • You’re scaling to consistent £5k months, when before you went months without a sniff of a sale

  • You’re saving a ton of time that you can now put towards high-level tasks (ya know, like making more ££££ in your biz)

What’s covered?

EVERYTHING you need to get style-confident so your wardrobe becomes a business tool. From the fundamentals like colour, shape and how to do a proper wardrobe edit, to levelling up your outfits with accessories, levels of dress (because WTF does 'smart casual; mean?), the energetics of style and making money with it

Who’s it best for?

Women in business who are scaling to consistent £5k months.

To get there (trust me), you need to truly feel like the business owner who is there already. You need to position yourself as THE go-to expert, be visible and be charging appropriately, not underselling yourself and thinking of what you do as ‘just this little side hustle thing.’

This course will build your confidence to do this in multiple ways.

When you don't OWN your wardrobe, how can you possibly OWN THE ROOM? Getting dressed is the one thing you're expected to do everyday for work, but it's the one thing no one teaches you - until now. This course will give you the edge over any competition, because most people aren't doing this work.

When are the sessions?

You get INSTANT access to the course content on sign-up. And that means, if you’re ready and willing to go all in, you can get results from the get-go.

From your date of joining you’ll then have 6 months inside the group, which means you get to come along to weekly coaching calls and you have ongoing mentorship to ask questions, get accountability and scale to style confidence.

What results can I expect?

This programme is for self-leaders who are ready to dive in and give it a go. I promise to give you 100%… and you have to give 100% too. If you do, you could be like several of the cohort so far who’ve hit their first £5k months, repeat £5k+ months, got promoted or raised their brand profile with vibey Linkedin content and killer networking outfits to nab paid speaking gigs and podcast slots.

the modules

  • Prepare to get crystal clear on what you want from your biz AND your wardrobe. Prepare for some serious shifts as this module asks you style questions you’ve never been asked before

  • This is unlike any other ‘closet cleanse’ you’ve done that has you back to square 1 with nothing to wear again in a few months. My tried-and-tested method has helped dozens of women sort their sh*t and make more money (yes, really)

  • Dressing for your body is such an underrated skill that most women never learn. I’m going to help you get dressed with ease in a way that properly respects your body

  • Learn how to use colour to look like you’re glowing from the inside, attract clients and create a memorable personal brand. If you feel clueless about ‘colour analysis’ this module is going to give you clarity!

  • Transform your outfits with your new-found expertise in accessorising

  • Does starting conversations with potential clients feel icky AF? Learn how to draw them in with your style and content so they reach out to you

  • The tables are about to turn as YOU style the stylist! This is designed to increase your style confidence so you stop wasting your time and money on things that don’t serve you

  • It’s time to turn up the HEAT! Learn the levels of dress so you never walk into anywhere and think ‘I got this wrong’. Become memorable to potential clients through your wardrobe and lead YOURSELF with elevated boss AF style

  • You’ll know where to look, what to look for and no more stressful shopping for you

  • Let’s get into it on weekly calls where you can get my styling expertise on your wardrobe and support to create a business brand that zingssss with YOU-ness

You say you want more clients, a bigger audience and to be getting invites in your DMs to speak on stages.

But the thing that’s holding you back… is your wardrobe.

Right now, the first place your mind goes when you get invited to a networking event is ‘WTF am I going to wear?’

What if, instead, you felt like you owned the room?

What if you were full of excitement, knowing that who you say you are online is exactly who people will meet in real life.

What if you didn’t panic at the thought of the photos being taken, because you’re confident in yourself and in your clothes?

What if a vibey AF ideal client came up to you and said ‘I LOVE your outfit!’ and things escalate from there?

Women who are going places know that their wardrobe absolutely can not stand in their way.

They get inside Own the Room and become the experts of their style.

An investment in your biz (and you, obvs)

Own the Room is £2K for SIX WHOLE MONTHS of style support & coaching, PLUS lifetime access to all the content.

Results inside the programme so far in the last 2 live rounds:

  • 4 business owners hit £5k months

  • 2 nominated for prestigious awards

  • 1 left her crappy full-time job and went all-in on her biz

  • Multiple promotions applied for

  • Multiple clients snagged

  • Women feeling 100% more style confident, owning their spaces and making more money

Here’s what Own the Room R1 participant Lois said:

“I saw the results of Sam’s intervention with a colleague and knew that I needed to take action for myself. I did this partly as a mindset piece, and partly because Sam always looks great and because a long career in education didn’t give me the confidence that I knew how to dress for business.

”Having joined Sam’s Own the Room programme, I now have a well-pruned wardrobe with clothes I love and enjoy wearing; I have clear ideas about what will suit me and work for me; I have also really made a valuable and powerful difference to my mindset, which was the missing link for me.”