Having nothing to wear is low-vibe. And you are not a low-vibe woman.

I’ve got you.

Hi, I’m Samantha, a Style and Confidence Coach helping ambitious women finally quit their imposter syndrome, stop wasting money on clothes they never wear and feel good in their style and their bodies.

I’m honoured you’re here and I’d love to get to know you better.

I’m someone who used to hate herself. Seriously - there were years back there when not a minute passed by without some sort of negative thought about myself or my body.

Whilst I achieved great things on the outside, inside I constantly felt like I was going to get ‘found out.’

I would stand in front of my wardrobe in tears, discarded outfits all over the floor, panicking about the meeting or event I had to go to.

And this deep-rooted lack of confidence meant I didn’t stand up for myself, didn’t go for opportunities I deserved and thought that the only way to be valuable was to work myself to burnout.

I thought the answer to my problems was more clothes - because that’s what we’re taught, right? You’re always just one new item away from finally feeling ‘enough.’

The problem is - it’s never enough. And soon you end up with a wardrobe stuffed with clothes you never wear, saying stuff like ‘I’ve got nothing to wear.’

Some of this sound familiar? This means I can help you.

I became an editor at 26 - at the time it was pretty much unheard of for a young, working class woman to have such a role. And dressing for it was a minefield!

As a woman leader, you feel that you have to conform to all kinds of rules in order to be taken seriously - but you can’t win.

But I knew that in order to give the world my best, I had to feel my best.

And I navigated the tricky world of work dressing to the point where other women in business started asking me to style them too.

They were asking me - what do I wear to an interview? How do I embody my brand? What should I wear for an important meeting? How do I merge my work and casual closets?

I qualified as a personal stylist and confidence coach so that I could help more women feel great and achieve their potential.

It wasn’t interested in handing my clients a colour swatch, telling them their body resembled an apple and sending them on their way.

I was - and still am - in the business of helping them make money.

Your wardrobe isn’t ‘just clothes’ - it’s the physical manifestation of how you feel about yourself. Your hopes, dreams, goals, shame, guilt. And if yours is currently a place of disempowerment, we need to fix it ASAP.

Women who are going places aren’t concerned with what to wear. They’re doing this work, they’re using their wardrobe as a business tool, and they’re creating vibey personal brands that bring in money.

If you’re ready to be one of them - I am the Style Coach for you.

The Style Editor combines my experience as an editor with my personal styling and confidence coaching to provide a bespoke service to ambitious women who want to STOP wasting time and energy worrying that they aren’t good enough, and instead use that time and energy to go after their dreams.

I am trained in Personal and Professional and in Life & Success Coaching, NLP, EFT, Human Design and hypnosis.

What Clients Are Saying

“Samantha you are so good at what you do. You have helped me so much and saved me so much money!”

“I have so much more confidence in my own sense of style since working with you”


“I used to think I just ‘didn’t have style’, but you’ve completely changed my outlook ”

“I was the queen of nothing to wear! I can’t actually believe how much my relationship with clothes has changed”

If you’re fed up of feeling stuck in a rut, frustrated at your wardrobe or in a cycle of negative self-talk, I can help you.